Forums - What do you miss most about classic Street Fighter? Show all 41 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- What do you miss most about classic Street Fighter? ( Posted by CaptainCanada on 05:09:2001 03:44 AM: I'm talking from around WW to ST here. Anything that really sticks out in your mind that you never see nowadays with the Alpha/SF3 series? I've been playing the heck outta an emulated SSF2 (not Turbo...damn, that was never out for SNES ) For me, it's that one-punch fight between the white and the black guy during the arcade's attract mode. never saw them once in the game, and you had to shake your head on how the black guy had to be the one who lost. Capcom is RACIST, I tell you! Also, I miss those barrels/crates/statues on each side of the stage that smashed into pieces whenever you got hit into them. Next to the Village Clock falling down in MvC2 (and the floors breaking in the Vs. series), how come they took that stuff out later? It was so fun to finish a match that way. Posted by Neo Rasa on 05:09:2001 03:54 AM: I always assumed those two SF2 intro guys were Joe and Mike from the original Street Fighter. Posted by Assist Type on 05:09:2001 03:59 AM: The result of that fight during the arcade opening would have been different it was Balrog. Posted by REALPLAYER on 05:09:2001 04:27 AM: I miss Ryu's fireball-shoryuken-sweep-jump kick traps. Posted by Lord Doom on 05:09:2001 04:30 AM: The music. Thats whats really really missing IMO from the newer Capcom games. Its like they stopped trying. Posted by ShinEFF on 05:09:2001 04:46 AM: Music!!?? I'd say SF3's music is pretty damn good! Hell, they even made it available at your local music store. (And yes, I'm a big enough nerd to have a copy) Posted by Akuma2002 on 05:09:2001 05:27 AM: i miss it when you did ken`s roll throw and the screen would shake and all the stuff that could break on some of the stages. Posted by Bezerka on 05:09:2001 07:13 AM: The hits sound effects were much better in sf2 i think they changed it after hyper fighting and made all the hits sound really soft, but b4 then when u landed a dragon punch it would sound really strong. Posted by PK on 05:09:2001 07:27 AM: i miss Sagat being the most bad ass guy around.. the prescar days.. yeah, in Fighting Street, Sagat was the man.. they need to make his fireball strong and more damaging like before.. he needs to be strong again... like in CVS <--- they did him right there Posted by Xecutioner on 05:09:2001 01:34 PM: the vomit when u punch them Posted by Psycho Soldier on 05:09:2001 02:05 PM: The music... mainly Balrog's Stage where he fought in Las Vegas. The machine would put every human vs. human battle on that stage after all of the original characters were used. We played SFII so much, that this stage's music would ALWAYS be ringing in your mind hours after you left the machine. The crates & barrel bonus stages were also fun too. ESPECIALLY if you could play it with your opponet before a match... trying to destroy more barrels and crates than your opponent, and kicking their butts at the same time. In a way, I'm surprised that they haven't actually tried to make a game with SF characters around this concept. And the infamous "Stre Fighter II Bootleg Games"... WAIT a minute... Blanka just turned to Ryu! What is THAT coming out of Chun Li's LEGS???!? Posted by LOLO on 05:09:2001 02:20 PM: i miss nthg from the old street fighter games... since the things Capcom removed from the oldies is becoz they were rotten... and it's good to have those removed... Posted by S-Hyo_Imawano on 05:09:2001 02:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by CaptainCanada For me, it's that one-punch fight between the white and the black guy during the arcade's attract mode. never saw them once in the game, and you had to shake your head on how the black guy had to be the one who lost. Capcom is RACIST, I tell you! The black guy in the intro was changed into a white guy in the Megadrive/Genesis version of SF2:SCE. Another thing thats always bothered me is the lack of the intro in the SNES version of SF2:WW and SF2Turbo...okay so maybe the WW version had memory limitations...but I'm sure they would've been able to put it in the Turbo version...I mean the Mega Drive/Genesis had it...or did the Genesis cart had more memory? Posted by dr.Dink on 05:09:2001 03:03 PM: I miss how the old hadoken sounded like, Blankas yell, Dhalsims elephants(That always attracted me to the arcade, dunno bout you, but that elephant must have some hidden message),the artist from SSF2, and that flashing sign on E Honda's stage. What did that say anyways? Posted by Mr Creed on 05:09:2001 03:30 PM: I miss being a care-free 13 year old kid who adored SF WW and fully appreciated every second spent playing that game with his friends. I also loved those "countdown" screens that you got when you lost with the animated, blood covered World Warrior. I'll never forget Blanka's smashed up face. Posted by moonslash-dan on 05:09:2001 04:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by Xecutioner the vomit when u punch them heh heh, oh yeah...... Posted by snakeyes on 05:09:2001 04:12 PM: I miss the gameplay. These Street fighter games today just don't feel like they used to. Not to mention, I miss being able to go to my local Circle K, have a coke slushy, then beatin' the nearby comp with my blanka/ryu/and vega when CE came out. Oh and I miss the M. Bison used to play. Just curious, did anyone ever call M. Bison, Mister Bison. Too many people kept tellin' that's what the M stood for. Never really believed it. Does anyone know what that M stands for? Posted by CaptainCanada on 05:09:2001 04:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by snakeyes Just curious, did anyone ever call M. Bison, Mister Bison. Too many people kept tellin' that's what the M stood for. Never really believed it. Does anyone know what that M stands for? The names were all changed around in the Japanese version. M. Bison was Vega, Vega was Balrog (?), Sagat was Sagat, and Balrog was M. Bison...and I bet the M stood for "Mike." Those crazy Japanese, trying to make fun of Mike Tyson... But since they put "M. Bison" on Vega, he's been branded with a name that makes NO SENSE for the rest of the SF series. I like to think it stands for Mike or Master these days. Posted by snakeyes on 05:09:2001 04:42 PM: Master Bison, that's another one I remember hearing. Well, thanks cap.canada. That all makes sense, except one thing. Why would the Japanese make fun of Mike Tyson? Was Mike already that bad back then? Anyways, that's kind of funny, got to admit that. Posted by linksiulung on 05:09:2001 05:11 PM: I miss when evryone would crou around the street fighter Posted by io on 05:09:2001 09:41 PM: people rely too much on fucking supers nowadays. back in the day, you had to win with effort Posted by Zechs on 05:09:2001 09:47 PM: I miss the handcuff glitch.. oh well at least theres the Gambit glitch nowadays Posted by Servebot on 05:09:2001 11:52 PM: I miss the bonus stages and I liked no supers in the old game. Posted by Demroth on 05:10:2001 12:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Servebot I miss the bonus stages and I liked no supers in the old game. Yeah.. the bonus stages where the best part of the game. My fav where the flaming barrels. Posted by Mirai_Trunks on 05:10:2001 12:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by CaptainCanada I'm talking from around WW to ST here. Anything that really sticks out in your mind that you never see nowadays with the Alpha/SF3 series? I've been playing the heck outta an emulated SSF2 (not Turbo...damn, that was never out for SNES ) For me, it's that one-punch fight between the white and the black guy during the arcade's attract mode. never saw them once in the game, and you had to shake your head on how the black guy had to be the one who lost. Capcom is RACIST, I tell you! Also, I miss those barrels/crates/statues on each side of the stage that smashed into pieces whenever you got hit into them. Next to the Village Clock falling down in MvC2 (and the floors breaking in the Vs. series), how come they took that stuff out later? It was so fun to finish a match that way. I miss some of those old characters from Street Fighter 1 that never show themselves in any of the other Street Fighter games 'cept the ones that R dead , all the ones that died sucked ... Posted by colguile on 05:10:2001 12:12 AM: I miss the pure fighting. With supers it is to easy. Posted by CWFPresidentAri on 05:10:2001 12:14 AM: The music. Especially... Ken's dockside stage Cammy's castle with the Northern Lights Sagat's Thailand stage Guile Ryu Vega Balrog... Oh hell, all the oldskool stage musics! Posted by CaptainCanada on 05:10:2001 02:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by snakeyes Well, thanks cap.canada. That all makes sense, except one thing. Why would the Japanese make fun of Mike Tyson? Was Mike already that bad back then? Anyways, that's kind of funny, got to admit that. Actually, it probably wasn't making fun of him as much as it was a parody. Or the Japanese game designers were really desperate for a name. I can picture it now: Tempura Yamazaki: Dammit, it's late, and I'm missing Nuku Nuku All Cultural Cat Girl! We still need names for these bosses! Lei-Lei Hayashibara: o_O Calm down ^^;;;; Here, lemee try these Scrabble pieces! XD [an hour later] Lei-Lei: *tosses out pieces on table again*...all right, we've got NWERNLK, WOERSNA, MOWZEPR, and...BALROG! That last one sounds good! ^_____^ Wong Fei Fong: ... Tempura: But we still need one more. It's for that boxer dude. Lei-Lei: Aw, jeez, we've been here all night -_- Pocky Tanaka: Does anyone here know that American boxer guy? All: -_-;; Pocky: Mike Tyson?...anyone?... [silence] Pocky: Well, anyway, since it's late, why don't we just call our guy Mike BISON? Lei-Lei: Yaaaay! *_______* Now we can go home! Tempura: But that's too obvious. What if someone gets in trouble? Pocky: Okay, just call him M. Bison. Nobody will guess it THEN! Lei-Lei: Okay, cool, let's go! [all high five] All: HYAKUGOJUUICHI! Whee. Posted by Shin-Mech-Brian on 05:10:2001 02:18 AM: The only thing I really miss from the older SF games are the bonus rounds. If they just included that SUV in Alpha 3 and bring back the Brick wall and Barrel stage, that would be cool. Posted by Akuma2002 on 05:10:2001 02:41 AM: i also miss the brick bonus stage Posted by acuma78757 on 05:10:2001 02:48 AM: I really dont miss nothing about it because now thers kick ass graphics and super specials, and air combos in some games. Posted by Muskau on 05:10:2001 05:11 AM: hmmm lets see, 1. thinking the opening screen for SSF2 was the most amazing thing ever. 2. that little twinkle they got in their eye when you continued 3. the old SF2 stage announcer 'thai-LAND!' 4. How wussy Guile sounded in SSF2 5. Trying to finish people with a flaming dragon punch Posted by State of Nature on 05:10:2001 05:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by CaptainCanada "Actually, it probably wasn't making fun of him as much as it was a parody." I think they switched the names around because they didn't want to be sued for having a Mike Tyson ripoff called M.Bison. " Or the Japanese game designers were really desperate for a name. I can picture it now: Lei-Lei: Okay, cool, let's go! [all high five] All: HYAKUGOJUUICHI! Whee. " I just have to say that I haven't read anything in the last couple months that cracked me up nearly as much as this fictitious scenario. Major props Cap Canada, you rock. Posted by JumpsuitJesse on 05:10:2001 02:55 PM: Of all the things I miss about classic SF2 is: The Palm Tree in Sagat's stage! The wino in Zangief's stage...that guy can slam a bottle, cant he!? Jab/dragon punch 3 hit redizzies! The rows of quarters lined up across the panel. People offering me money so they can use Guile! Guiles 7 jab redizzy....he had a that extra long reach! Dragon Punching Sagat after he would miss a Tiger Uppercut and watch his life meter drain to nothing! Dragon Punching Blanka when he would roll and watch him die! Doing Guiles Flash kick at the beginning of a match and watch it go right through the opponents fireball to get the first hit. Watching scubby M.Bison players do his torpedo attack over and over for chip damage. Doing cross up roundhouse, standing fierce, fierce dragon punch for the first time with Ken on Champion Edition! Going through Fireballs with Ryu's hurricane kick. The original announcer was awesome! The F-16 fighter jet in Guile's stage. Doing the Ryu Vs Ryu mirror match glitch on the original SF2. Doing Guile handcuff glitch and then throwing them out of it just as time is about to end. Guiles Magic Throw The red/orange fireball in SF2 and how everyone thought it was a special move. The stupid rumors about Guiles hidden gun in his boot, Chun Li's boomerang bracelets, Blanka spitting acid, and winning with all perfects to get to Shen Long. The punch sound effects were much better Racing to see who gets to pick which shoto....I always wanted Ryu and I would not play a shoto unless I could pick Ryu! Memories... JumpsuitJesse "Let me tell you of the days of HIGH ADVENTURE!!" Conan The Barbarian Posted by AKUMA2000 on 05:10:2001 03:34 PM: The announcer when he said "fight"... Ken and Ryu both sounding the same when they said "shoryuken" (it's the same as the announcer before the v-ism combo movie starts in the multimedia secion)... The intro of SSF2... Ken's dockside stage and music, and his original "peace" sign... Dizzying the opponent with Ken's hurricane kick, while draining their life meter like a sponge... Uppercutting Vega until his claw shield came off... Using Ryu's hurricane kick to knock the opponent out of their attack when they jumped at you... The breakable crates on Guile's stage, and how Guile could literally throw you a couple of time and you die... Posted by TRuNK$ on 05:10:2001 04:26 PM: i miss the old school music, of course u can get that in CvS if u play long enough Posted by CaptainCanada on 05:10:2001 04:36 PM: Thanks, State of's fun to write those kinda pointless posts once in a while. Some more stuff I miss: The announcer, of course. "You-win!" Dhalsim's headbutt. That thing was killer. The vomit that flew out. I remember when a magazine compared Mortal Kombat's gore to this when they were trying to prove a point on MK vs. SF. Watching the same matches in Attract Mode--Ryu vs. Ken, Chun-Li vs. Vega, Zangief vs. Dhalsim (I always laughed at that one)--and knowing exactly how they'd turn out after a while. Being one of the only people who liked Vega back then. E-Honda's old "HAAH" grunt. M. Bison being the CHEAPESTJTATKEA2lk45k last boss EVER. Forget Onslaught, I hated this guy. Oh yeah, for some more SF goodness, try downloading iMesh ( and searching in the Video option for "Jackie Chan - Street Fighter." It's this crazy scene from one of Jackie's old movies, with a bunch of old school SF cameos from WW. Hilarious stuff...I might start a new post on this. Posted by Iron D on 05:10:2001 08:25 PM: Iron D I also miss throwing people into barrels in the classic SF2s. You know what else I miss? The way that the music would speed up to add tension when a character's health would be low in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. That was great. Posted by Big Andrewski on 05:12:2001 07:09 PM: Some of the stages themselves are still pretty impressive to me. And Vega's stage in SF2 is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than his alpha 3 stage! Posted by kaseijin on 05:12:2001 07:44 PM: The SNES version of SF2's exclusive endings - Ryu in the waterfall and Ken carrying Eliza to the church. They were cool. Plus, as other people have mentioned, the breakable scenery. The 'fuurinkazan' i•——щΎRj sign on Ryu's stage - I still don't know exactly what it means. No supers. Have never really liked them, but I'm getting used to them. Easily readable AI. No crap character designs. There are several characters from the Alpha and SF3 games that I just don't like. The storyline. It was simpler, and more atmospheric. Posted by Reitterer on 05:12:2001 08:25 PM: Remember how in SF2:WW, Chun-Li wore a red/golden outfit at the selection screen, but in the match itself she wore her normal blue outfit? I also recalled the palm tree from Sagat's stage! They took that out in champion edition though. I also remember how big a deal it was to play M.Bison in Champion Edition! Those were the days! All times are GMT. The time now is 01:20 AM. Show all 41 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.